How We Plan to Get There

Pursuing God's presence: devotion to prayer (ALTAR)

Practicing the way of Jesus: discipleship in community (PRIESTHOOD)

Participating in the kingdom come: message, mission and mercy (ARK)

Altar • Priesthood • Ark

Build the Altar*: the funnel and furnace of the knowledge and presence of God. 

Cultivating a lifestyle of devotion to Jesus through prayer, love for the scriptures and worship both personally and corporately.

Establish the Priesthood*: the stewards and students of the knowledge and presence of God. 

A community of kingdom disciples who devote themselves to passionately pursue the presence of the Holy Spirit, practice the way of Jesus and seek God's kingdom and righteousness together.

Carry the Ark*: the carriers and conduits of the knowledge and presence of God.

The vocation of every kingdom disciple is to be salt and light in the world; ambassadors of reconciliation and agents of restoration through embodying and expressing the good news of God's kingdom in the power of the Holy Spirit in every sphere and sector of society in the name and nature of Jesus the King (character and conduct; attitudes and actions; word and deed).

*In the Old Testament the Altar was the place where the human and divine interacted; where heaven and earth overlapped. Where prayer, praise, sacrifice and worship was offered morning, noon and night. 

*The Levitical Priesthood was the select tribe of Israel (1 in 12 tribes) who had the privilege of serving in God's Tabernacle and Temple and had the privilege of handling the "things of God". God's heart in rescuing Israel from slavery in Egypt was for ALL OF ISRAEL to function as a kingdom of priests, to draw near to him, be formed in his likeness through the practice of the Torah and to mediate his presence to the nations around them.  However, because of their sin and rebellion they were never able to enter in to the fullness of God's desire for his people under the Old Covenant. 

*The Ark of the Covenant was the locus of God's Holy Presence among his people Israel. It was his "earthly throne".  However, only ONE TIME EACH YEAR, the high priest was allowed to enter the "most holy place" with very specific ceremonial instructions so as not to fall dead in the sheer GLORY of God's HOLINESS. 

So why use the language of build the altar, establish the priesthood who carry the ark after Jesus has come? What does all of this point to?

"They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: “See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” (Hebrews 8:6)

All of this points to the dynamic relational and functional reality that God has had in his heart for ALL OF HIS PEOPLE from the very beginning! In the New Covenant ratified through the blood of Jesus and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit ALL OF GOD'S PEOPLE are now called PRIESTS, given the access and authority to draw near to God, stand in his holy presence clothed in the righteousness of Christ and to offer up prayer, praise, worship, intercession and adoration at the ALTAR in his very throne room in heaven!  All of God's people who are in Christ are now the "place" God dwells and takes up residence by the Holy Spirit! 

Thus, to build the altar, establish the priesthood and carry the ark means we live in the fullness of what God has done for us in and through his Son, Jesus!  We are accepted by the God of all creation!  We have an audience with the King of heaven and earth! We get to partner with him in prayer, practice his ways and live with a growing awareness that God can actually love and live in us and through us for his glory!