As we follow Jesus together we increasingly become aware of how God has uniquely shaped or hard-wired us for a specific purpose within the body of Christ.  What makes us happy, sad, mad or glad…discerning what makes us tick together is one of the great joys of participating in a community of Christ followers.  We need each other all along this discover journey!  Scripture tells us that God has placed each part of his body to function in a specific and life-giving way.  


    As we follow Jesus, grow in community and discover our purpose within the body of Christ we are equipped to live passionately in the world on mission together.  Each of us have a God-ordained vocation to fulfill in the world and within the context of the kingdom, all of life becomes an opportunity to bring God glory and to exalt Christ in the everyday, ordinary stuff of life.  We want to become a people who live with passion and actively participate in Christ’s mission in the world.  To reconcile all things to himself through a passionate people who are seeking first his kingdom and his righteousness together!


    Following Jesus though deeply personal is never private!  We follow Jesus and grow in Jesus within the context of community.  God is a loving and living community in three persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and so we participate in his nature and are transformed into his likeness by learning to love well in community.


    Life is found in following Jesus.  Not an idea or ideology or set of beliefs but a real person.  Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life.  Adherence and apprenticeship to his ways, words and works are at the very heart of Christianity.